Begin TRANSACTION; -- The folowing tables will be created (in order of creation): -- (1) FederalStates -- (2) AdministrativeDistricts -- (3) Counties -- (4) CityNames -- (5) PostCodes -- (6) Streets -- (7) Housenumbers -- (8) PostBox -- (9) CityNamesToPostBox -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DOC: Delete the first row as it contains only column-names and must not be interpreted as a record DELETE FROM Postcodes_import WHERE rowid = 1; ALTER TABLE Postcodes_import ADD COLUMN i_ID INTEGER NULL; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_ID = rowid-1 WHERE true; .mode column .nullvalue "NULL" .header on -- SELECT * FROM Postcodes_import; .width 5 15 15 20 10 20 20 20 SELECT i_ID, i_FederalStates, i_AdministrativeDistricts, i_Counties, i_PostCodes, i_CityNames_Official, i_Streets_StreetName, i_Housenumbers_Housenumber FROM Postcodes_import; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DOC: Convert empty strings (i.e. strings with length = 0) in the CSV-file to NULL -- UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_FederalStates = NULL WHERE length(i_FederalStates) = 0; -- UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_AdministrativeDistricts = NULL WHERE length(i_AdministrativeDistricts) = 0; -- UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_Counties = NULL WHERE length(i_Counties) = 0; -- UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_PostCodes = NULL WHERE length(i_PostCodes) = 0; -- UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_CityNames_Official = NULL WHERE length(i_CityNames_Official) = 0; -- UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_CityNames_DE = NULL WHERE length(i_CityNames_DE) = 0; -- UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_CityNames_EN = NULL WHERE length(i_CityNames_EN) = 0; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DOC: Prepare the fields with geo-coordinate information: UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_PostCodes_GC_latitude = NULL WHERE length(i_PostCodes_GC_latitude) = 0; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_PostCodes_GC_longitude = NULL WHERE length(i_PostCodes_GC_longitude)= 0; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_Streets_GC_latitude = NULL WHERE length(i_Streets_GC_latitude) = 0; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_Streets_GC_longitude = NULL WHERE length(i_Streets_GC_longitude)= 0; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_Housenumbers_GC_latitude = NULL WHERE length(i_Housenumbers_GC_latitude) = 0; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_Housenumbers_GC_longitude = NULL WHERE length(i_Housenumbers_GC_longitude) = 0; -- DOC: It is assumed, that "," is used as decimal-separator in the Excel sheet instead of ".". Hence, "," will be replaced by "." UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_PostCodes_GC_latitude = REPLACE(i_PostCodes_GC_latitude,',','.') WHERE i_PostCodes_GC_latitude IS NOT NULL; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_PostCodes_GC_longitude = REPLACE(i_PostCodes_GC_longitude,',','.') WHERE i_PostCodes_GC_longitude IS NOT NULL; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_Streets_GC_latitude = REPLACE(i_Streets_GC_latitude,',','.') WHERE i_Streets_GC_latitude IS NOT NULL; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_Streets_GC_longitude = REPLACE(i_Streets_GC_longitude,',','.') WHERE i_Streets_GC_longitude IS NOT NULL; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_Housenumbers_GC_latitude = REPLACE(i_Housenumbers_GC_latitude,',','.') WHERE i_Housenumbers_GC_latitude IS NOT NULL; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_Housenumbers_GC_longitude = REPLACE(i_Housenumbers_GC_longitude,',','.') WHERE i_Housenumbers_GC_longitude IS NOT NULL; -- DOC: Create additional CenterPoint-fields in the table "Postcodes_import", combining latitude- and corresponding longitude-information: ALTER TABLE Postcodes_import ADD COLUMN i_PostCode_CenterPoint TEXT NULL; ALTER TABLE Postcodes_import ADD COLUMN i_Streets_CenterPoint TEXT NULL; ALTER TABLE Postcodes_import ADD COLUMN i_Housenumbers_CenterPoint TEXT NULL; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_PostCode_CenterPoint = 'POINT(' || "i_PostCodes_GC_longitude" || ' ' || "i_PostCodes_GC_latitude" || ')' WHERE i_PostCodes_GC_latitude IS NOT NULL AND i_PostCodes_GC_longitude IS NOT NULL; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_Streets_CenterPoint = 'POINT(' || "i_Streets_GC_longitude" || ' ' || "i_Streets_GC_latitude" || ')' WHERE i_Streets_GC_latitude IS NOT NULL AND i_Streets_GC_longitude IS NOT NULL; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_Housenumbers_CenterPoint = 'POINT(' || "i_Housenumbers_GC_longitude" || ' ' || "i_Housenumbers_GC_latitude" || ')' WHERE i_Housenumbers_GC_latitude IS NOT NULL AND i_Housenumbers_GC_longitude IS NOT NULL; -- DOC: The added CenterPoint-fields shall remain NULL if and only if corresponding latitude or longitude IS NULL (or both) UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_PostCode_CenterPoint = NULL WHERE i_PostCodes_GC_latitude IS NULL OR i_PostCodes_GC_longitude IS NULL; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_Streets_CenterPoint = NULL WHERE i_Streets_GC_latitude IS NULL OR i_Streets_GC_longitude IS NULL; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_Housenumbers_CenterPoint = NULL WHERE i_Housenumbers_GC_latitude IS NULL OR i_Housenumbers_GC_longitude IS NULL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DOC: The table "FederalStates" must contain at least one record (which will be the tuple record (1, 'UNKNOWN') in case it is the only one), -- since the FK-field "FederalStateid" of the the table "AdministrativeDistricts" carries the constraint NOT NULL (so that each AdministrativeDistrict must be assigned to a FederalState). -- In order to guarantee this, the field "i_FederalStates" (which is used for inserting into "FederalStates") is updated to be 'UNKNOWN' in case no value exists. UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_FederalStates = 'UNKNOWN' WHERE length(i_FederalStates) = 0; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_AdministrativeDistricts = 'UNKNOWN' WHERE length(i_AdministrativeDistricts) = 0; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_Counties = 'UNKNOWN' WHERE length(i_Counties) = 0; -- Attention: Generally, values in the field "i_FederalStates" will not be unique -- Attention: Possibly there are already records with value 'UNKNOWN' in the CSV-file -- Attention: It is assumed that a FederalState can be uniquely identified by its name. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE Postcodes_import ADD COLUMN i_AdministrativeDistricts_unique TEXT NULL; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_AdministrativeDistricts_unique = i_AdministrativeDistricts || ' (' || i_FederalStates || ')' WHERE length(i_AdministrativeDistricts) != 0; -- "i_AdministrativeDistricts_unique" will be unique in terms of "unique within the respective FederalState" (becuase of appending) ALTER TABLE Postcodes_import ADD COLUMN i_Counties_unique TEXT NULL; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_Counties_unique = i_Counties || ' (' || i_AdministrativeDistricts_unique || ')' WHERE length(i_Counties) != 0; -- "i_Counties_unique" will be unique in terms of "unique within the respective AdministrativeDistrict" (becuase of appending) -- DEBUG Begin -- .width 5 15 30 45 10 20 -- SELECT i_ID, i_FederalStates, i_AdministrativeDistricts_unique, i_Counties_unique, i_PostCodes, i_CityNames_Official FROM Postcodes_import; -- DEBUG End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DOC: Create the required tables according to the database-model -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DOC: Create the table "FederalStates", insert records and add the field "i_FederalStateid" to "Postcodes_import" CREATE TABLE FederalStates ( id INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT "PK_FederalStates" PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, Name TEXT NULL ); INSERT INTO FederalStates (Name) SELECT DISTINCT i_FederalStates FROM Postcodes_import WHERE true; -- DOC: Assertion: Due to construction the table "FederalStates" will contain at least one record with value 'UNKNOWN' in the field "Name" -- DEBUG Begin -- SELECT * FROM FederalStates; -- .width 20 -- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FederalStates; -- DEBUG End -- DOC: Add the field "i_FederalStateid" to "Postcodes_import", so that FederalStates can be identified by their id within the table "Postcodes_import". -- This field will be used for correct assignment of the "FederalStateid" to the AdministrativeDistrict in the table "AdministrativeDistricts". ALTER TABLE Postcodes_import ADD COLUMN i_FederalStateid INTEGER NULL; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_FederalStateid = (SELECT "FederalStates"."id" FROM FederalStates WHERE "FederalStates"."Name" = "Postcodes_import"."i_FederalStates"); -- DEBUG Begin -- .width 5 7 20 30 45 10 20 -- SELECT i_ID, i_FederalStateid AS i_FS_id, i_FederalStates, i_AdministrativeDistricts_unique, i_Counties_unique, i_PostCodes, i_CityNames_Official FROM Postcodes_import; -- DEBUG End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DOC: Create the table "AdministrativeDistricts", insert records and add the field "i_AdministrativeDistrictid" to "Postcodes_import" CREATE TABLE AdministrativeDistricts ( id INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT "PK_AdministrativeDistricts" PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, Name TEXT NULL, CenterPoint TEXT NULL, FederalStateid INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "FK_AdministrativeDistricts_FederalStates_FederalStateid" FOREIGN KEY (FederalStateid) REFERENCES FederalStates (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); INSERT INTO AdministrativeDistricts (Name, FederalStateid) SELECT DISTINCT i_AdministrativeDistricts_unique , i_FederalStateid FROM Postcodes_import WHERE true; -- DOC: values of "CenterPoint" will remain "NULL" -- DOC: Add the field "i_AdministrativeDistrictid" to "Postcodes_import", so that AdministrativeDistricts can be identified by their id within the table "Postcodes_import". -- This field will be used for correct assignment of the "AdministrativeDistrictid" to the County in the table "Counties". ALTER TABLE Postcodes_import ADD COLUMN i_AdministrativeDistrictid INTEGER NULL; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_AdministrativeDistrictid = (SELECT "AdministrativeDistricts"."id" FROM AdministrativeDistricts WHERE "AdministrativeDistricts"."Name" = "Postcodes_import"."i_AdministrativeDistricts_unique"); -- DOC: From now on, the information to which FederalState an AdministrativeDistrict belongs, is given by "AdministrativeDistricts"."FederalStateid". -- Hence, the compound Name "i_AdministrativeDistricts_unique" can (and should) be replaced by the original one "i_AdministrativeDistricts". UPDATE AdministrativeDistricts SET Name = (SELECT i_AdministrativeDistricts FROM Postcodes_import WHERE "Postcodes_import"."i_AdministrativeDistricts_unique" = "AdministrativeDistricts"."Name"); -- DEBUG Begin -- .width 5 25 11 20 -- SELECT * FROM AdministrativeDistricts; -- .width 20 -- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM AdministrativeDistricts; -- .width 5 7 20 7 30 45 10 20 -- SELECT i_ID, i_FederalStateid AS i_FS_id, i_FederalStates, i_AdministrativeDistrictid AS i_AD_id, i_AdministrativeDistricts_unique, i_Counties_unique, i_PostCodes, i_CityNames_Official FROM Postcodes_import; -- DEBUG End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DOC: Create the table "Counties", insert records and add the field "i_Countyid" to "Postcodes_import" CREATE TABLE Counties ( id INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT "PK_Counties" PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, Name TEXT NULL, AdministrativeDistrictid INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "FK_Counties_AdministrativeDistricts_AdministrativeDistrictid" FOREIGN KEY (AdministrativeDistrictid) REFERENCES AdministrativeDistricts (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); INSERT INTO Counties (Name, AdministrativeDistrictid) SELECT DISTINCT i_Counties_unique , i_AdministrativeDistrictid FROM Postcodes_import WHERE true; ALTER TABLE Postcodes_import ADD COLUMN i_Countyid INTEGER NULL; UPDATE Postcodes_import SET i_Countyid = (SELECT "Counties"."id" FROM Counties WHERE "Counties"."Name" = "Postcodes_import"."i_Counties_unique"); UPDATE Counties SET Name = (SELECT i_Counties FROM Postcodes_import WHERE "Postcodes_import"."i_Counties_unique" = "Counties"."Name"); -- DEBUG Begin -- .width 5 30 30 -- SELECT * FROM Counties; -- .width 20 -- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Counties; -- .width 5 7 20 7 30 7 45 10 20 -- SELECT i_ID, i_FederalStateid AS i_FS_id, i_FederalStates, i_AdministrativeDistrictid AS i_AD_id, i_AdministrativeDistricts_unique, i_Countyid AS i_C_id, i_Counties_unique, i_PostCodes, i_CityNames_Official FROM Postcodes_import; -- DEBUG End ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DOC: Create the table "CityNames" and insert records CREATE TABLE CityNames ( id INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT "PK_CityNames" PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, CityName_Official TEXT COLLATE NOCASE NULL, CityName_DE TEXT COLLATE NOCASE NULL, CityName_EN TEXT COLLATE NOCASE NULL ); INSERT INTO CityNames (CityName_Official, CityName_DE, CityName_EN) SELECT i_CityNames_Official, i_CityNames_DE, i_CityNames_EN FROM Postcodes_import WHERE true; -- DOC: Since records are inserted into "CityNames" via simple "SELECT" instead of "SELECT DISTINCT", "CityNames"."id" has the same values as "Postcodes_import"."i_ID" -- DEBUG Begin -- .width 3 30 30 30 -- SELECT * FROM CityNames; -- .width 20 -- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CityNames; -- DEBUG End ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DOC: Create the table "PostCodes" and insert records CREATE TABLE PostCodes ( id INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT "PK_PostCodes" PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, PostCode TEXT NULL, CenterPoint TEXT NULL, DialCode TEXT NULL, CityNamesID INTEGER NOT NULL, Countyid INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "FK_PostCodes_CityNames_CityNamesID" FOREIGN KEY (CityNamesID) REFERENCES CityNames (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT "FK_PostCodes_Counties_Countyid" FOREIGN KEY (Countyid) REFERENCES Counties (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); INSERT INTO PostCodes (PostCode, CenterPoint, DialCode, CityNamesID, Countyid) SELECT i_PostCodes, i_PostCode_CenterPoint, i_PostCodes_DialCode, i_ID, i_Countyid FROM Postcodes_import WHERE true; -- DOC: Since records are inserted into "PostCodes" via simple "SELECT" instead of "SELECT DISTINCT", "Postcodes"."id" has the same values as "Postcodes_import"."i_ID" -- DEBUG Begin -- .width 5 8 11 8 20 15 -- SELECT * FROM Postcodes; -- .width 20 -- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Postcodes; -- DEBUG End ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DOC: Create the table "Streets" and insert records CREATE TABLE Streets ( id INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT "PK_Streets" PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, StreetName TEXT COLLATE NOCASE NULL, PostcodeEntryid INTEGER NOT NULL, CenterPoint TEXT NULL, CONSTRAINT "FK_Streets_PostCodes_PostcodeEntryid" FOREIGN KEY (PostcodeEntryid) REFERENCES PostCodes (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); INSERT INTO Streets (StreetName, PostcodeEntryid, CenterPoint) SELECT i_Streets_StreetName, i_ID, i_Streets_CenterPoint FROM Postcodes_import WHERE true; -- DOC:Since records are inserted via simple "SELECT" instead of "SELECT DISTINCT", "Streets"."id" has the same values as "Postcodes_import"."i_ID" -- DEBUG Begin -- .width 5 30 20 11 -- SELECT * FROM Streets; -- DEBUG End ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DOC: Create the table "Housenumbers" and insert records CREATE TABLE Housenumbers ( id INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT "PK_Housenumbers" PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, Housenumber TEXT NULL, CenterPoint TEXT NULL, StreetEntryid INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "FK_Housenumbers_Streets_StreetEntryid" FOREIGN KEY (StreetEntryid) REFERENCES Streets (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); INSERT INTO Housenumbers (Housenumber, CenterPoint, StreetEntryid) SELECT i_Housenumbers_Housenumber, i_Housenumbers_CenterPoint, i_ID FROM Postcodes_import WHERE true; -- DOC: Since records are inserted via simple "SELECT" instead of "SELECT DISTINCT", "Housenumbers"."id" has the same values as "Postcodes_import"."i_ID" -- DEBUG Begin -- .width 5 20 11 20 -- SELECT * FROM Housenumbers; -- DEBUG End ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DOC: Create the table "PostBox" and insert records CREATE TABLE PostBox ( id INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT "PK_PostBox" PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, PostboxNrFrom TEXT NULL, PostboxNrTo TEXT NULL, CityPostCodeFrom TEXT NULL, CityPostCodeTo TEXT NULL, PostboxPostCode TEXT NULL ); INSERT INTO PostBox (PostboxNrFrom, PostboxNrTo, CityPostCodeFrom, CityPostCodeTo, PostboxPostCode) SELECT i_PostBox_PostboxNrFrom, i_PostBox_PostboxNrTo, i_PostBox_CityPostCodeFrom, i_PostBox_CityPostCodeTo, i_PostBox_PostboxPostCode FROM Postcodes_import WHERE true; -- DOC: Since records are inserted via simple "SELECT" instead of "SELECT DISTINCT", "PostBox"."id" has the same values as "Postcodes_import"."i_ID" -- DEBUG Begin -- .width 5 30 30 30 30 30 -- SELECT * FROM PostBox; -- DEBUG End ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DOC: Create the table "CityNamesToPostBox" and insert records CREATE TABLE CityNamesToPostBox ( id INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT "PK_CityNamesToPostBox" PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, CityNamesID INTEGER NOT NULL, Postboxid INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "FK_CityNamesToPostBox_CityNames_CityNamesid" FOREIGN KEY (CityNamesID) REFERENCES CityNames (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT "FK_CityNamesToPostBox_PostBox_Postboxid" FOREIGN KEY (Postboxid) REFERENCES PostBox (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); INSERT INTO CityNamesToPostBox (CityNamesID, Postboxid) SELECT i_ID, i_ID FROM Postcodes_import WHERE true; -- DOC: Since records are inserted via simple "SELECT" instead of "SELECT DISTINCT", "CityNamesToPostBox"."id" has the same values as "Postcodes_import"."i_ID" -- DEBUG Begin -- .width 5 20 20 -- SELECT * FROM CityNamesToPostBox; -- DEBUG End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DEBUG Begin -- .width 5 7 20 7 30 7 45 10 20 20 20 -- SELECT i_ID, i_FederalStateid AS i_FS_id, i_FederalStates, i_AdministrativeDistrictid AS i_AD_id, i_AdministrativeDistricts_unique, i_Countyid AS i_C_id, i_Counties_unique, i_PostCodes, i_CityNames_Official, i_Streets_StreetName, i_Housenumbers_Housenumber FROM Postcodes_import; -- DEBUG End ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DOC: Create the views required by the model for the Postcode-database CREATE VIEW zip AS SELECT, PostCodes.PostCode, CityNames.CityName_Official, CityNames.CityName_DE, CityNames.CityName_EN, PostCodes.CenterPoint, Counties.Name AS County, AdministrativeDistricts.Name AS AdministrativeDistrict, FederalStates.Name AS FederalStateName FROM PostCodes INNER JOIN Counties ON = PostCodes.Countyid INNER JOIN CityNames ON = PostCodes.CityNamesID INNER JOIN AdministrativeDistricts ON = Counties.AdministrativeDistrictid INNER JOIN FederalStates ON = AdministrativeDistricts.FederalStateid; -- DEBUG Begin -- .width 5 8 15 15 11 20 20 20 -- SELECT * FROM zip; -- DEBUG End CREATE VIEW street AS SELECT, Streets.StreetName, Streets.CenterPoint, PostCodes.PostCode, CityNames.CityName_Official, CityNames.CityName_DE, CityNames.CityName_EN, Counties.Name AS County, AdministrativeDistricts.Name AS AdministrativeDistrict, FederalStates.Name AS FederalStateName FROM Streets INNER JOIN PostCodes ON Streets.PostcodeEntryid = INNER JOIN Counties ON PostCodes.Countyid = INNER JOIN CityNames ON = PostCodes.CityNamesid INNER JOIN AdministrativeDistricts ON Counties.AdministrativeDistrictid = INNER JOIN FederalStates ON AdministrativeDistricts.FederalStateid =; CREATE VIEW housenumber AS SELECT, Housenumbers.Housenumber, Housenumbers.CenterPoint, Streets.StreetName, PostCodes.PostCode, CityNames.CityName_Official, CityNames.CityName_DE, CityNames.CityName_EN, Counties.Name AS County, AdministrativeDistricts.Name AS AdministrativeDistrict, FederalStates.Name AS FederalStateName FROM Housenumbers INNER JOIN Streets ON Housenumbers.StreetEntryid = INNER JOIN PostCodes ON Streets.PostcodeEntryid = INNER JOIN Counties ON PostCodes.Countyid = INNER JOIN CityNames ON = PostCodes.CityNamesid INNER JOIN AdministrativeDistricts ON Counties.AdministrativeDistrictid = INNER JOIN FederalStates ON AdministrativeDistricts.FederalStateid =; CREATE VIEW postboxes AS SELECT PostBox.PostboxNrFrom || ' .. ' || PostBox.PostboxNrTo AS FromTo, PostBox.PostboxPostCode, CityNames.CityName_Official, CityNames.CityName_DE, CityName_EN FROM CityNamesToPostBox INNER JOIN PostBox ON CityNamesToPostBox.PostBoxid = INNER JOIN CityNames ON CityNamesToPostBox.CityNamesid = ORDER BY PostBox.PostboxNrFrom; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .width 20 SELECT COUNT(*) AS amount_of_records FROM Postcodes_import; DROP TABLE Postcodes_import; END;